Senior Year Bucket List

What is on your SENIOR Year bucket list??

It’s been almost 25 years since I graduated from high school, but there are some unforgettable experiences that are still very vivid in my memories. Among them, my senior skip day, prom, countless hours on the band field and football games, and of course a few parties. So since your senior year is about to begin, I thought I would put together a bucket list for you. Here are some fun, memorable activities to put on your list to do…

1. Have an all-nighter with friends where you STAY IN. Watch movies, dance to music, do makeovers, pig out on junk food.  You are sure to make some amazing memories and possibly some lifelong friends. Bonus points if you invite a few people who you don’t usually hang out with. 

2. Pull off an amazing prank at school. Of course, no property destruction required, but do something creative!  Have everyone dressed for prom-but on a regular school day; put up signs at the school; have a nerf gun war at school; convince the freshmen there is an elevator at school <—actually happened at my high school. The sky is the limit!!

3. Over the holiday breaks, plan something everyday with your friends. Go for ice cream, have a picnic, volunteer at a local shelter, go see a movie. Just do something everyday!

4. Go to a football game! Even if it is only once- you should go to a football game, so grab a group of friends, throw on a school shirt and head to the stadium. After the game, hit up your favorite eating place for a late night snack.

5. Take lots of pictures! Memories are great, but pictures last a lifetime. Polaroid cameras are all the rage these days and make a neat project to compile them all at the end of the year. And of course, we all have cameras on our phones. BUT… you must print them out!!!! I have heard people say you may the most photographed generation, but will have nothing to show for it. So print those pics people!!!

6. Thank your teachers. Yep, tell them how much you appreciate them.  They may be just as anxious to get rid of you, as you are to get rid of them… HA!

7. Go without your phone for 24 hours.   GASP!!!  Yep. Try it. You might just have a great day, or it might suck. But either way- you can say you did it!

8. Wear something unexpected for 8 hours.  This one is a fun experiment. Whether it is a bathing suit on to of your clothes, a Halloween costume in February, or crazy hair and makeup- wear something that is not the norm! You may be surprised how many conversations starters this is, or how many people don’t really notice. Very neat social experiment indeed!

9. Send a letter to someone who made a difference in your life. This one is really neat! Send an actual, handwritten letter, in the snail mail, with a postage stamp, to someone from your past who made a difference. Tell them how they impacted your life and thank them for it. You will be amazed how good it makes you feel. And the recipient will be over the moon!

10. Have a senior skip day. Yes, we all do it and I’m not advocating for habitual hooky playing. But doing it once your senior year to plan and do something amazing will be memorable and good for your soul. For mine, we went riding on 4 wheelers, got dirty, ate junk food and had a blast!! Just keep it safe people.

11. Go on a senior trip. You can do anything from the beach, to camping, to traveling through Europe. Pick your travel mates, pick a destination and have a good time. You are sure to make memories to last a lifetime. 

12. Take senior pictures. Yep, a shameless plug I know, but I do believe in amazing senior pictures. Apart from getting married or having kids, graduating from high school is one of the bigger milestones in your life. Capturing pictures of yourself during this time will help you remember this amazing time. And if they are done right, you will love these images and your self esteem and confidence will soar! If you want an the amazing portrait experience at Four J Photography, let me know and I’ll send you some info.

13. Celebrate your birthday in a BIG way. Very soon, you will start to not enjoy birthdays quite so much. So go all out for your 18th birthday! Or better yet, plan a surprise party for your best friend! It will certainly make their decade.

14. Pick out and visit some colleges. College life is so unique so it’s great to go and visit some campuses to see which one feels right. It might be too big or too small or too close or too far away. Visit lots of them to see which one feels just right.

15. And most importantly GRADUATE!! Cause if you don’t you will have to come up with a whole new bucket list for next year… Celebrate your day with family and friends!

This year will fly by, so enjoy every moment! What are some things on YOUR bucket list??

By: Jennifer Rickard