Top 10 things to do during your child’s senior year

senior in cap and gown
Seniors in cap and gown

Senior year can be both exciting and emotional for moms as their child prepares to transition into adulthood. It will likely be the fastest year in both your lives, to date. Here are some suggestions for things moms can do during their child’s senior year of high school:

  1. Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate important milestones like the last first day of school, senior prom, and graduation. But, keep in mind to leave time for rest and relaxation.
  2. Celebrate with their friends too: Have your child’s friends over for dinner once week or so. Or even plan a fun a weekend trip! Celebrate your child’s friends achievements and plans too. Often times, this will be some of the last things they do with this group of people in their lives.
  3. Document Memories: Take plenty of photos and videos to capture precious moments throughout the year. Create a scrapbook or digital album to preserve memories. First day of school, last day of school, dress up days and lazy days. And of course, plan an amazing senior session!! If you want more info on our senior sessions—> FOUR J Senior Sessions
  4. Plan Special Moments: Plan special outings or activities with your child to create lasting memories during their final year at home. Minimize as many other things on your family calendars and spend time together as a family- especially if your senior is the oldest child.
  5. Attend Events Together: Attend school events such as sports games, theater productions, and awards ceremonies to show your support for your child. Even plan a fun 1-on-1 trip with your senior to capture some last minute time with them.
  6. Discuss Future Plans: Have open and honest discussions about your child’s future plans, whether it’s college, vocational school, the military, or entering the workforce. Listen to your child and figure out what is important to them. Assist your child with college applications, essays, and financial aid forms. Offer guidance and encouragement throughout the process.
  7. Encourage Independence: Encourage your child to take on more responsibilities and become more independent as they prepare for life after high school. Don’t forget about teaching them the real- life stuff too. Check writing & bank accounts, taxes, mailing a letter, oil changes and changing a tire are some excellent skills for your teen to learn prior to graduation.
  8. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate your child’s achievements, both big and small, throughout the year to boost their confidence and morale. Remember to celebrate with their love language.
  9. Prepare for Transitions: Help your child prepare for the transition to college or whatever path they choose after high school by assisting with practical matters like dorm shopping or resume building.
  10. Express Your Love and Support: Let your child know how proud you are of them and express your love and support as they embark on this exciting new chapter in their life. Establish a weekly check in to see how they are doing. Go for a walk or a post-dinner ice cream and put the phones away and just be together. Be ok listening or just sitting in silence, meet your senior where they are at.